SCRC of Flint, MI

Upcoming Events
Archives & Links
Flint Chapter Officers

Welcome to the Flint SCRC!

The Southern Cruisers Riding Club is a free, family oriented Motorcycle Riding Club that uses the Web to communicate and focuses on the enjoyment and fellowship of riding motorcycles while doing so safely. The Southern Cruisers is not an Internet club for motorcycle enthusiasts, we're a Riding Club!

The Southern Cruisers Riding Club is for everyone who enjoys riding with a group, and our club Policies are very simple:

bulletNo Dues or Fees
bulletYou DO NOT have to show up at All club meetings
bulletNo tasks for you to perform
bulletand No Major Commitments!

Wanna Join the Club?

Submit  your Free application online at


Feel free to click on the Chapter Officers page to contact the Flint chapter for help or more info!

The Flint chapter of the SCRC was opened for riders in the general Flint area. We meet regularly for lunches, dinners, short rides, long rides, local events, and events farther away.

If you'd like to have company on the road, it doesn't get any better than the SCRC!

Southern Cruisers Riding Club of Flint, Michigan

Always Ride Safe. Don't Give The Club A Bad Name. Support Your Club and Chapter.


Home | Members | Upcoming Events | Archives & Links | Photos | Flint Chapter Officers

The Southern Cruisers Riding Club Patch and Graphic Replicas are Trademarks of The Southern Cruisers, and may not be duplicated or used in anyway, on or off line, without the express permission of The Southern Cruisers Riding Club Trademark Owner. Other Company Names and Trademarks used in Materials on this Website may be Trademarks of their Respective Owners.

For problems or questions regarding this site contact Sharkie.
This site was last updated on 11/09/06.